This is me after 4 hours at the dentist. I'm starting the process of turning into the Hulk.:)
I went to the dentist to get the impression done for a tooth I had a root canal done on two weeks ago (I had to have a deep cleaning before they did the impression) I also wanted a filing fixed because it was coming out. It was in my front tooth and it was becoming discolored and just generally embarrassing. (I have bad teeth and I've always been self conscious of them.)
The dental assistant did check-up X-rays and they discovered that the front tooth had a lot of decay under the filing, which was connected to the tooth next to it. Plus the tooth on the other side had a small cavity in it. The dentist said with the amount of decay under the front tooth and side tooth he recommended having a veneer put on those two teeth. He said he actually recommended having veneers put on the front four teeth to make them symmetrical.
I wasn't going to do it at first. We were just going to do the veneer on the front one and side one but then at the last minute decided it would be best to do all four. They will all now be straight and I actually shouldn't even need to get invisilign on the top!! YAY! I still plan to get invisilign on the bottom teeth at some point but that wasn't as concerning.
I took pictures of the process but they are horrible. I look super scary so I'm not ready to post them yet. I have temporaries on Thank Goodness!!! I never would have left the dentist office looking the way I did lol. So in two weeks I should have greatly improved teeth!!! YAY!!
At any rate here is my Hulk picture :)
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